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Stephanie Wagner

Meditation teacher with Healthy Minds Innovations, affiliated with Centre for Healthy Minds Research Institute at the University of Madison, Wisconsin. She is also a meditation facilitator at Tergar International

Stephanie is one of my beloved meditation facilitators from Tergar. She has been a wonderful influence and guide in my life on the path of meditation. 

Erin, Meditation for kids, proud mother of a Meditation student

Erin  (Mother of Student)

"Emily's nurturing and calming energy has been a positive influence on our son. The second that she arrives, she engages with him in a way that nurtures his style and fosters his curiosity - she makes their time together fun.


Emily is a kind and caring soul and her meditation for kids classes will teach them how to self-regulate and keep themselves grounded, which are important life skills to have as they grow."


- Erin Chan

Dévika (12 yo Student) 

"Emily was a very fun babysitter! My sister and I had a great time with her, and we got to make a schedule out of all the activities she had planned. Every morning I would wake up excited to create the schedule at the beginning of each day. Emily had so many games, including meditation. Meditation was a great activity because it was relaxing, fun, and it took away stress. We did multiple meditation games and all of them brought out the same basic feelings, but each one had a specific feeling. Overall, I felt relaxed calm, content, peaceful, excited, thankful, joyous, and all those happy feelings. In one game we had to imagine. Imagine that we had a lemon in our mouths. I remember being surprised at how I could just imagine I had tasted, smelt, and felt the lemon, and I could actually feel the taste of the lemon on my tongue, and I could smell a hint of lemon. 


Emily is such a fun person and my sister and I had an amazing time with her!"



Meditation teacher and supporter of meditation for kids

Barbara Jones

(Retired Lawyer, Tergar Toronto East Practice Leader, life long practitioner of meditation)

"My name is Barbara Jones, I'm a parent of an adult, a retired lawyer and a lifelong practitioner of meditation.  


Emily, along with myself is one of five people who, as practice leaders, guide a community of people in the practice of meditation within the Tergar lineage. I have practiced with Emily in the past 10 years in this capacity. However I have known Emily for 11 years. I met her through my son and she quickly became a friend.  Even at that time Emily was practicing yoga and meditation, long before she determined that teaching meditation to young people was her passion.  Emzy has studied and practiced meditation within a variety of schools offering different meditation techniques. She has also undergone personal retreats and group retreats in meditation. 


Emily is a kind, gentle, bright and expressive person, traits that when coupled with her meditation experience make her an excellent guide for her program. 


With this program Emily has carefully and thoughtfully curated a number of different methods of meditation in a creative, fresh and accessible way to assist people in a variety of ways.  It is both engaging and informative while delivering tools for meditation that can be used again and again. I highly recommend Emzy and this program both in a professional delivery structure and for personal family instruction."


- Barbara Jones

Alexandra Parras

YMCA At-risk Youth Case Manager

"Emily is phenomenal. Emily hosted a workshop for my youth group, and not only was Emily engaging and
adaptable – but she was extremely approachable and accepting of all the various levels of youth
participation and knowledge of meditation. The activities that Emily had planned were such a beautiful
way to introduce the idea of thoughtfulness and reflection. I personally have practiced meditation in
non-formal methods, but had never considered the idea that meditation can be fun and practiced as a
“game”. As someone who works with at-risk youth I am always looking for new ways to get youth in the
practice of reflecting on themselves, and one of Emily’s games “Main Character” was so beautifully done
that I have now utilized it with many of my youth who struggle to see their value. Such a beautiful and
personally informative experience. Thank you Emily for being a genuine light."

- Alexandra, Case Manager

Dexter Sloan

Meditation For Teens Online Program Participant

"I highly recommend Emily's meditation program for kids (the twist is that it's actually beneficial for everyone) If you're becoming more and more aware of the various ways in which our modern life is impacting the mental health of the younger generation and want to plant valuable seeds of future well being, Emzy has the most fun and effective tools for teaching meditation to kids and making it fun. This unique program finds the perfect way to teach real meditation techniques without being too dry for young minds, or being too silly that they miss the valuable instruction. Right in the middle is where you'll find this excellent program. I would even recommend this program to anyone just beginning their practice who wants a fun way to learn. Combining music, games, and a calm center, Emily's Meditation for kids program is something the whole family, school and community will enjoy! (but don't just take my word for it, see for yourself)"


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