Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche - Joy of Living, Joyful Wisdom, In Love With The World, Ziji
Jon Kabat-Zinn - Full Catastrophy Living
Saki Santorelli - Heal Thyself
Susan Kaiser-Greenland - Mindful Games
Sarah Jane Hinder - Yoga Bug
Carollyn Kanjaro - The Monkey Mind Meditation Deck
Crystal McCreary - Yogi Deck
Kira Wiley - Listen Like and Elephant, Breathe Like a Bear
Alicia Ortego - Breathing is my Superpower
Breathe with me Barbie
Heidi France - Mindfulness for Little Ones
Natalia Maguire - My Body Sends Me a Signal
Kristina Marcelli-Sargent - Mindful Games For Kids
Kerry Lee Maclean - Peaceful Piggy Meditation
Frank J. Sileo - A World Of Pausabilities
Two Kinds of Awareness by Mingyur Rinpoche
Cultivating Our inner Awareness by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
Awareness in Daily Life by Tim Olmsted
Three Ways to Uncover Your Natural Awareness by Diana Winston
What Meditation Really Is by Mingyur Rinpoche
Creating a Confident Mind by Phakchok Rinpoche
“How Basic Goodness Is an Innate Quality for Everyone” With Dr. Richard Davidson and Mingyur Rinpoche
8 Things to Know about the Experiential Learning Cycle
“What Is Our True Nature?” with Mingyur Rinpoche
Excerpts from “Right Use of Power” by Cedar Barstow
Chapter 5, Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness by David Treleaven
The Plasticity of Well-being: A Training Based Framework for the Cultivation of Human Flourishing: Intro and Awareness by Cortland Dahl and Richard Davidson
Mindfulness Meditation as Brain Network Training by Dr. Peter Malinowski
Can Meditation Lead to Lasting Change? by Dan Goleman and Richard Davidson
How Mindfulness Changes the Emotional Life of our Brains by Richard Davidson
What Is Neuroplasticity? - Plasticity Centers
How Meditation Changes Your Brain — and Your Life - BY DANIEL GOLEMAN AND RICHARD DAVIDSON
The Difference Between Awareness and Mindfulness by Mingyur Rinpoche
The Buddha on Mindfulness by Bhikkhu Bodhi
What are the Five Skandhas? by the Lions Roar
The Importance of Awareness by Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo
Why Should I Care About the Abhidharma by Steven Goodman
Awareness, from the Moment you Wake Up by Sayadaw U Tejaniya
Living With Awareness by Bhante Gunaratana
Why We Meditate by Pema Chodron
Meeting Pain with Awareness by Jon Kabat-Zinn
No Agenda No Obstacles by Judith Lief
What’s in a Word? Sati? by Andrew Olendzki
The Many Shades of Mindfulness by Christina Feldman and Jaya Rudgard